I Remember 2006 - Sculptures

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original text at lyrnow.com/1286081
(part i: the cellar)

It's been months since i've been brought here
Trapped inside of this cellar
Many have gone; only a few remain
I just wanted to go home
Everyone is screaming and whimpering
But when he comes down we all go quiet
Afraid we'll be next

We're all locked up down there
I've brainstormed ideas of escape
But i'm growing numb every day
I'm trying hard to not break
I don't want to be dragged up thеre
Or i'll never bе heard from again
I tried to comfort the others
But i don't know how
Natalie is a quavering leaf
She's about to shatter
And hayden has all but gone quiet
While mary has fallen asleep
The days are blurring into each other
I'm starving, but i know it won't be until tomorrow
That we get to eat again

The man upstairs makes sculptures
Out of the shapes of his victims
And sells them off to art exhibits
And i don't understand how he keeps getting away with it
I've seen quinton, brandi, and venessa led upstairs
And i never heard from them again
And there were others, i'm aware
But i only got to know them

I could hear him moving upstairs
Then sirens were approaching from the distance
And i heard him running upstairs
And a door slamming open and shut
Then i could hear cars pulling up
Someone starting knocking upstairs
Demanding to be let in
And then they broke inside
I could hear several footfall upstairs
There was code being muttered, but i couldn't understand it
And then we heard the cellar door slam open
Light was shining down the stairwell
And we could see people walk down
They were dressed in swat outfits
And when they stared at us
I could see they were all in disbelief
Seeing four of us were still alive

They unshackled us and carried us outside
The sunlight was so blinding i had to close my eyes
But there it was; warmth at last!
But the man couldn't be found
He fled from the land

(part ii: the station/home)

The officers brought us to the station
And they called up our parents
I could see natalie crying
I saw hayden's parents around, and he broke down
Bawling as his parents held him
And mary was just silent the whole time she was at the station
And seeing them in distress made me realize
Justice has yet been served
Then my father arrived at the station
All i could do was apologize
Apologize for disappearing
But it wasn't my fault; i was trying to get home that day
When micah approached me
And he lied to me that he would take me home
Why did i ever listen?

But as dad and i left the station
I vowed to find micah
And bring this world justice
After i destroyed him

When i saw my mom arrive home from work
That's when i broke down
We hugged each other and cried
Months i disappeared because of micah
Away from my family for so long
Thinking every day i would never get to see them again

Exhausted from emotional distress
I went to my bedroom
And i climbed into my bed
For months i didn't feel the blanket
But it still cradles my body
And i drifted off to sleep

The next day, the media went to our houses
They pestered me for information
And i felt obligated to tell them about my experience
So that they would leave me alone
And i fled back inside
Thoughts of the other kids flooded my mind
And i sat down on the couch
Rocking back and forth as i covered me face
And i could see myself on the television
As the breaking news stories kept on airing
I see the other kids and their houses
And i had enough and turned off the tv

(part iii: the news)

A couple of days pass
The news campaign continues
I was going turn off the television
But then the news anchor got my attention
When she talked about how micah got caught on security cameras
Fleeing past a gas station
He was wearing his black coat

I know near that gas station is a foundry
Where cement and plaster are mixed
And knowing how he loved to build sculptures
I had an idea of where he could be going
He was restocking and relocating
And he was trying to avoid detection

So i ran to the factory
The thoughts of all the kids micah harmed and killed
Made the anger in me grow stronger
I have to bring justice to this town
By taking micah down
For what he did to me
For what he did to everybody

(part iv: the foundry)

I arrive at the foundry late at night
And i see a door cracked open
So, i sneak inside and look around
I climb up to a catwalk
And then i see him
Siphoning concrete from a mixer

"micah!" i shout out
He turned to me and my name
"franklin?! do you want to die?!"
And i yell back
"no, i'm ending your reign right now!"

And a fight ensues, and i know he stronger than me
He grapples on my shoulder
I feel intense pressure on my
So i jerk my body towards the railing
It sends us flying over the railing
But i grab a hold of the pipes
And micah falls into the concrete mixer
I can hear him screaming as he sinks into the concrete

I climb back onto the catwalk and lay down
I have to catch my breath from the struggle
And then when i breathe alright again
I stand back up and walk back home
Micah has finally been brought to justice
And i can start working on recovering
And the others can start working on recovering
But we can never forget what he had done

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More I Remember 2006 lyrics

I Remember 2006 - Forward:
The lighthouse is in the distance But it's really far away And the longer I walk The more it looks the same I'm sorry, I jumped to the finite solution Wish I was

I Remember 2006 - Monsters on the Other Side
A small creature came out of the wall Stumbling right onto the floor The wall behind him looked all warped I could see inside a beastly figure Reaching out to grab this

I Remember 2006 - The Benthic Zone
Here I find myself Where light is deteriorating Darkness is growing And I'm being led through tunnels As the dark blue is waving around the windows And I feel their hands

I Remember 2006 - Binary Night
Waves of code turn into a sea And all I perceive is a time bomb Waiting to go from green to red And disintegrate everything Every screen stares back at me The keys

I Remember 2006 - Cameras, and Their Purple Eyes
And they are everywhere we look Surrounded once again And they desire to rip us apart Their claws; their jaws are hungry Hiding from the horde Waiting for the moment to

I Remember 2006 - Don't Speak
{Refrain} Don't speak Don't speak Don't speak Don't speak {Verse One} You know they're around the

I Remember 2006 - Suspended in Air
(Rafe, Wilbur_) I have faded up into a sub-level of reality I see you scouring the entire area Trying to find where I had went I'm freaking out, I'm freaking out

I Remember 2006 - Lightning Coming Down
(Verse One) He tried to protect everyone he could Give everyone a good life Make everyone happy But the storm came down (Chorus One) Lightning coming

I Remember 2006 - Branch
(Verse One) You found me somewhere I tried to get away And you are the one That hunts like a dog And when I escaped your clutches From this fucking house you

I Remember 2006 - Moth Cocoon Prison
{from rafe's dream log} September 14, 2020 And i like moths. i really like moths In the dream, aiden was at my house. we were playing probably call of duty:


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I Remember 2006

I Remember 2006
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Based in Muskegon, Michigan, this one man band (Rafe (RonZak) LaNore) is an improvised indie rock band formed in 2015. With ten albums under his belt, let’s see if he can keep this up.