1997 Cast of King David - Goliath of Gath

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Goliath of Gath
Goliath of Gath

Am I a dog that you should wave a stick?
See how the folly of Israel increases
I'll hack off your head, your arms, your legs, your prick
Leaving the bloody festering pieces
To fowls of the air

Goliath of Gath

To beasts of the field

Goliath of Gath

You can hide yourself behind metal
With a javelin, a sword, a coward's shield
But the armor of the godless has to yield to God

I have never yet killed
Any man on this earth
Can imagine no cause
To be worth such a terrible measure
But the blood nevеr spilled
And the deaths nеver seen
In my innocent past do not mean
That if I am the one
Through whom God's will is done that I
Shall not kill, and with pleasure

Here lies the dog that missed a fatal trick
Thus is the folly of Israel refuted
This is the head of the slaughtered heretic
Slimy and severed and perfectly suited

To fowls of the air

Goliath of Gath

To beasts of the field

Goliath of Gath

And two armies were still as they took in the sight
Of destruction, of death and delight
One elated, one shattered

Then from high on a hill
Came a thunderous roar
And the Israelites started to pour
In unstoppable waves
Over Philistine graves-to-be
And the enemy scattered

Saul has chosen well
David our redeemer
Who'd have ever thought Goliath could be slain?

You can never tell
David did not seem a
Man of such potential but he used his brain

David and King Saul
Hero and supporter
As a team they fought a very great campaign
Finally we've paid for
All the years of pain
Goliath of Gath
Goliath of Gath
Goliath of Gath

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