By2 - 好好愛^0^

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能不能好好愛^O^ 手牽手 一起走
只想和你一起 到永久

我喜歡收集微笑 沒有原因
是非題 選擇題 或放棄

做決定向左向右 需要勇氣
也可以做個鬧鐘 全部歸零
對不對 好不好 沒關係

能不能好好愛^O^ 手牽手 一起走
不管時間多久 都要在同一國
隱藏版快樂天空 我分你 咬一口
只想和你一起 到永久

做決定向左向右 需要勇氣
也可以做個鬧鐘 全部歸零
對不對 好不好 沒關係

能不能好好愛^O^ 手牽手 一起走
不管時間多久 都要在同一國
隱藏版快樂天空 我分你 咬一口
只想和你一起 到永久

能不能好好愛^O^ 手牽手 一起走
不管時間多久 都要在同一國
隱藏版快樂天空 我分你 咬一口
只想和你一起 到永久

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By2 - 我想要
我的名字叫小莫 今年14岁 我的愿望是成绩可以变好 我是藤藤 我今年16岁 我希望可以养一只小狗 我是欢欢 今年15岁 我希望可以变成大富翁 我是笪彦 今年17岁 我希望能当个永远吃不胖的名艺人 我是袁袁 我今年20岁 我希望能快点交个男朋友

By2 - 无解呦
电视里的偶像剧 每个人爱来爱去 一把鼻涕一把眼泪 大家演得好用力 拜托请你别说命中注定 请不要抄袭 你不是我的型 告白太让我 无力 无解呦 不好意思呦 你的爆点 让我傻眼 摇摇头 无解呦 真的

By2 - 無敵帥
你的頭髮像是海帶 讓我漫遊在地中海 我愛 跟你在一起什麼都愉快 你的笑話像是寒帶 讓地球暖化不起來 我愛 你比科學家還要更利害 想要更靠近你多一點 話多說一點點 心裡的畫面 想讓你看見 你發呆的時候好可愛 生氣的時候像耍賴 你不明白呀 你在我心裡面無敵帥 我的手從來不放口袋

By2 - Bye Bye Bye
天氣好 天氣壞 天色空白 開著車 我應該 往哪走 要左轉 要右彎 還是退後 這一路 我們曾擁有 黃燈 你帶我闖過 紅燈 勾勾小手 而現在只剩我 倒數計時一秒鐘 Bye Bye Bye 讓你走吧 這一次 我不要 再當個傻瓜 打開車窗 為什麼 每個街角我都感傷

By2 - 快閃
倒數 剩三秒鐘 我開始 找你影蹤 站在 人海當中 我快發瘋 每次 都有理由 我已受夠 學不會從一而終 真的 那麼沒用 撐不到最後 眼神一閃一閃地 裝什麼 人前人後的臉孔 是種線索 我看破 一號笑容 愛情裡快閃的一族 看你原形畢露 你快閃速度像壁虎 只留下尾巴當禮物

By2 - 帶我離開
你常拍著手 說你的感動 純白色天空 停留著你純白的夢 一瞬間 你讓我的傷口補上了彩虹 一瞬間 你把我的惶恐 耐心呵護 雕刻出溫柔 突然想你帶我離開 遠離塵埃 找個無煙的地帶 滿天的星光 將願望全都變出來 突然想你帶我離開 永遠離開 擦掉每一份不安 閉上眼感覺 這個世界 愛依然存在

By2 - 大人的世界
多希望一夜長大 不用躲開媽媽 晚回家 多羨慕同學身邊 總有英俊有錢的 好爸爸 All the time 怎麽 日子從不變化 男孩總愛變卦 yeah~ 好想 睜開眼就發現 我成人禮的慶典 在明天 大人們的世界 潘多拉的夢幻星空 wo~ 雖然看不懂 卻還是期待身在其中

By2 - 愛上你
什麼 都不要懂 只想 繼續做夢 害怕 醒來以後 握不住你的手 是誰 太不成熟 沒體諒彼此感受 我 不停尋找著理由 解釋 分手 心好空 像沒溫度的 氣球 我的靈魂困在回憶中 動也不能動 愛上你 不需要理由 你到底懂不懂 可是懷念 竟比失去 還要更難受 噢~愛讓我 想起你的時候 淚禁不住滑落

By2 - 愛的雙重魔力
你是我的 最大秘密 小心翼翼 寫在日記 心跳藏在抽屜 見到了你 才不會分心 遠遠眼神肯定 你知道 藏不住秘密 愛有雙重魔力 也苦澀也甜蜜 悄悄地在心底 說一萬遍我愛你 愛你 借我勇氣 滿滿地藏在心 一步步走向你 給我愛的魔力 不退縮不猶豫 甜蜜化在嘴裡 是告訴你我愛你 愛你 蛻變奇蹟

By2 - 這叫愛
愛 它來去沒預兆 像感冒 總無法預料 Why 連呼吸都難熬 難道是我發高燒 好不了 Every time I Look Into Your Eyes 那心跳的律動 總對不上節拍 他們說這叫愛 Every time You Look Into My Eyes 太多 心裡話 怎麼 說不出來


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BY2 consists of Singaporean twin sisters Miko (孫涵) and Yumi Bai (孫雨) who were born in Yio Chu Kang, Singapore on March 23, 1992— Miko is the eldest of the two while Yumi is the youngest. They are among the most internationally recognized Singaporean acts alongside the likes of JJ Lin and Stefanie Sun.

The twins had a passion for dance and music at a very young age, as they learned violin, piano, ballet, and many other styles of dancing such as Chinese traditional folk and ballet. As they grew older, they learned more modern forms of dance such as hip hop and street dance; their father was a driving force in nurturing the twins' career in music. However, he would pass away in 2007 before witnessing his daughters' debut and rise to stardom.

In 2007, they moved to Taiwan and joined Ocean Butterflies' Music Forest’s V Singer (“非常歌手”) training course at the age of 13 where they graduated with a “Best Costume Design” award and were granted a 10-year contract after being noticed by Billy Koh of Ocean Butterflies Music. Miko and Yumi were later sent to various countries in order to train and hone in their vocals and dancing skills.

Finally, in 2008, the sisters debuted their first album on July 25, with the studio album 16未成年 (NC 16) at the age of 16. The album peaked at number six on Taiwan’s G-Music chart from the 14th to the 25th.

In 2019, the girls announced that they had parted ways from Ocean Butterflies Music as their 10-year contract had ended. They established their own label By2 Studio. After the departure, the girls joined the Chinese singer’s program 明日之子 (The Coming One) in the “restart” category, auditioning with their very own track “DNA”, hoping to make a comeback in the Chinese music industry as their music career had been overshadowed by a variety of rumors from cosmetic surgery to dating (and cheating) rumors. When asked about why they had joined the show during their audition, Miko sated,

We’ve been waiting for this opportunity for three, four years now. Prior to this, it was the lowest period of our lives. I would say that… We’re facing a huge challenge in life now. [It feels] like the people that we loved and trusted had betrayed us, both in work and in love. It’s like we’re being abandoned. It’s actually really sad. We’ve always been here. It’s just that we couldn’t say or do anything.

The girls ended up ranking 3rd on the program and received a lot of praise from netizens, and later would release new music, such as 2020’s “異地戀人預告 (Long Distance Lovers)” and the COVID-19-inspired track “等你回家 (Wait For You to Come Home)”.

On top of music, the girls have also shown that they have been passionate about fashion, as they opened the fashion line DOUBLE TROUBLE in 2015 and Girl Gang Asia in 2017. The sisters also started an official YouTube Channel. Despite being highly active in Taiwan and East Asia, the sisters are now based in Los Angeles, California.