Romix - 99.9

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(get ready, wake your psyche up, mob!
Get ready, dig your anger up, mob!
Get ready, wake your psyche up, mob!
Get ready!)

Coming down, could you fill your satisfaction?
You're a mob. can't you feel your own frustration?
Coming down, could you fill your satisfaction?
You're a mob. what do you want to be?

今、氾濫していく感情を身にまとってbreak it down

(99.9! 99.9!)

Cryin' my life, cryin' my psyche
Cryin' my heart in such commonplaces!
Is that your ideal? is that your mind?
The mob is alive. the mob is high
The mob is staying frustrated, aren't you?
Is that your ideal? is that your mind? 今すぐ

Your life is your own
(get ready, wake your psyche up, mob!
Get ready, dig your anger up, mob!
Get ready, wake your psyche up, mob!
Get ready!)

Coming down, could you fill your satisfaction?
You're a mob. can't you feel your own frustration?
Coming down, could you fill your satisfaction?
You're a mob. what do you want to be?


Cryin' my life, cryin' my psyche
Cryin' my heart in such commonplaces
Is this my ideal? is this my mind?
The mob is alive. the mob is high
The mob is staying frustrated, aren't you?
This is the day, this is the time

I'll break through“it”

Cryin' my life, cryin' my psyche
Cryin' my heart in such commonplaces!
Is that your ideal? is that your mind?
The mob is alive. the mob is high
The mob is staying frustrated, aren't you?
Is that your ideal? is that your mind? 今すぐ
Your life is your own

(get ready, wake your psyche up, mob!
Get ready, dig your anger up, mob!
Get ready, wake your psyche up, mob!
Get ready!)

Song Description:

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"Romix - 99.9" is an intense and energetic song that encourages listeners to awaken their inner selves and break free from their frustrations. The lyrics speak to the feeling of being part of a mob, searching for satisfaction and identity. The song explores themes of self-discovery and empowerment, urging individuals to find their true desires and ambitions. With a powerful and driving beat, "Romix - 99.9" is a call to action, pushing listeners to embrace their own uniqueness and take control of their lives.


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More Romix lyrics

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Romix - Answer is Near
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