Romix - Bedroom Warfare

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Keep your enemies close
Your enemies close

I cut you off but you're still here
You're like a whisper in my ear

You start soft but you're getting louder
Every hour I feel the power
We go hard till the morning light
We battle nightly
"Keep your enemies…”

Bedroom warfare in the middle of the night
Out of nowhere you come back into my life
And I know in the morning we'll be
Nothing more than each othеr's enemy
Bedroom warfarе in the middle of the night

Keep your enemies close
Your enemies close


二人つなぐ糸 赤く見せる
君のマジック 種明かし
嘘、理想重ね 作られる
"keep your enemies.."
Bedroom warfare in the middle of the night
Out of nowhere you come back into my life
And I know in the morning we'll be
Nothing more than each other's enemy
Bedroom warfare in the middle of the night

Keep your enemies close
Your enemies close

I cut you off but you're still here

Bedroom warfare in the middle of the night
Out of nowhere you come back into my life
And I know in the morning we'll be
Nothing more than each other's enemy
Bedroom warfare in the middle of the night

Song Description:

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"Bedroom Warfare" by Romix is a song that captures the intense emotions and conflicts that can arise between two people in a relationship. The lyrics speak of cutting someone off, only to have them reappear in your life like a persistent whisper. The song describes a battle that takes place in the bedroom, symbolizing the ongoing struggle and tension between the two individuals. Despite the passion and intensity of their connection, they are ultimately each other's enemies. The catchy chorus repeats the phrase "Keep your enemies close" as a reminder of the complex dynamics at play in their relationship. Overall, "Bedroom Warfare" is a powerful and emotional song that delves into the complexities of love, desire, and conflict.


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