Hans Werner Henze - Whispers From Heavenly Death

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Darest thou now O Soul
Walk out with me toward the Unknown Region
Where neither ground is for the feet
Nor any path to follow?

No map there, nor guide
Nor voice sounding, nor touch of human hand
Nor face with blooming flesh
Nor lips, nor eyes, are in that land

I know it not O Soul;
Nor dost thou -- all is a blank before us;
All waits, undream'd of, in that region
That inaccessible land
Till when the ties loosen
All but the ties eternal, Time and Space
Nor darkness, gravitation, sense
Nor any bounds, bound us

Then we burst forth -- we float
In Time and Space, O Soul, prеpared for them;
Equal, equipt at last, --
(O joy! O fruit of all!) thеm to fulfil, O Soul


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Hans Werner Henze - Whispers From Heavenly Death
Darest thou now O Soul Walk out with me toward the Unknown Region Where neither ground is for the feet Nor any path to follow? No map there, nor guide Nor voice

Hans Werner Henze

Through a long career, Hans Werner Henze (1926-2012) worked in a wide variety of styles, including atonality, serialism, jazz, neo-Baroque, neoclassicism, rock, and Arabic music. Offstage, he was known for his homosexuality and left-wing political activism.