Lost - Sorry

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Verse 1:
Hey Jake, I know you’re mad but I needed to leave you this message
I never meant to hurt you or leave you second guessin’ on
How I really feel about you, I miss you so damn so much and it’s gettin’ hard to live without you, I miss hearin’ your voice and reading all those messages you wrote to me, you showed me all this love and I never showed any, I was being selfish only thinkin' about myself
I wonder if our pictures still sittin’ up on that shelf, I just felt like I needed more, more than you, more than us, I broke our trust I lost our love and so I’m sorry, but I will never do it again I never meant to break your heart or mess around with your friends, Jake just give me another chance, remember when we first met we we’re only 16 at the school dance, I can’t believe all we built together, I can’t believe what I threw away, I know I was perfect now I’m feeling so worthless you used to give me so much hope I when I was hopeless and hurting you put me together when i was broken I’m sorry! Just call me back

I’m sorry that I let you go
I’m sorry that I cared
I’m sorry that the feelings show
And I just wasn’t there
I’m reminded of the fool I was
I cut you off and fucked it up again
I’m sorry that I let you go
I’m sorry that I cared

Verse 2:
Hi uh, I heard your message I’m sorry I didn’t pick up
I know that you regret the fact that you switched up
But honestly I don’t care about your apology
How can everythin' be okay with just an “I’m sorry”
It doesn’t make sense to me, I thought that we were meant to be
Maybe we were but just meant to be enemy’s damn
Damn now everyday i Iive in jeopardy
Lost everythin' but the memories
Our pics I pressed delete but it hurts me on every click
So I take another sip just to forget what you did
Since you left I don’t even get out of bed
I don’t even get dressed, I been staying up late
It’s been a couple days since I’ve ate, have too many thoughts
In my brain, I feel like this the end, how could you go and mess around with my friends then come back and try to
Tell me you love me? It’s all pretend
Just don’t come by my home
Don’t call up my phone
You’re not who I known
Leave me alone
Leave me alone
Leave me alone

I’m sorry that I let you go
I’m sorry that I cared
I’m sorry that the feelings show
And I just wasn’t there
I’m reminded of the fool I was
I cut you off and fucked it up again
I’m sorry that I let you go
I’m sorry that I cared


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Lost est un rappeur francophone issu de Cartierville — un arrondissement de Montréal — et membre du groupe 5sang14.

Il commence sa carrière sous le pseudonyme Jbz où il publie T.C.L.M. en 2014. Il doit ensuite abandonner ce nom suite à une ordonnance de la cour.

Maintenant devenu Lost, le rappeur poursuit son rêve et se fait connaître au travers de sa trilogie Bonhomme Pendu. Les trois opus sont publiés entre 2015 et 2018 et voient Lost décrire son quotidien dans la rue.

En 2017, il s'allie à MB et White-B — deux autres membres de 5sang14 — pour publier Cerbère, le premier projet officiel du collectif.

Ce n'est qu'en 2020 que Lost fera son retour avec un autre projet. Lostalgik marque une autre ère dans la carrière du rappeur alors qu'il s'ouvre à plusieurs genres musicaux tout en s'affichant la tête rasée sur la couverture du projet. Cet album aura droit à une suite en juin 2021 — près de sept mois après la sortie de l'original — où il est notamment accompagné de Connaisseur Ticaso et Souldia.