By2 - 一樣愛著你

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不怕末日 因為我有你 你給我的 不計較原因
我一直相信 笑容不需要練習

忘不了你 慌張的表情 像捨不得 消失的流星
我無法相信 你把我留在原地

找著等著 我想你 想得徹底
就讓我 痛著喊著用力哭泣

這是你可以 給我的勇氣

我知道我可以 一直這樣愛你

忘不了你 慌張的表情 像捨不得 消失的流星
我無法相信 你把我留在原地

找著等著 我想你 想得徹底
就讓我 痛著喊著用力哭泣

這是你可以 給我的勇氣

我知道我可以 一直這樣愛你

回到過去 Oh~~~~
是你牽著我 保護我 是你一直愛著我

這是你可以 給我的勇氣

我知道我可以 一直這樣愛你

我永遠都願意 一直這樣愛你


More By2 lyrics

By2 - 有你我不怕
每晚睡不著 強顏的微笑 掩蓋著破碎的心 面臨的一切 誰能聽得到 不絕望就會有希望 就算不知朝哪方向走 怎麼苦 怎麼難 擦掉眼淚 別退後 就算全世界否定了我 Oh~ 有你我不怕會迷路 有你我絕不會認輸 說過不會

By2 - 白兔兒乖乖
白兔兒乖乖 把門兒開開 不開不開我不開 媽媽沒回來 白兔兒乖乖 把門兒開開 把門兒開開 不開不開我不開 媽媽沒回來 Na...小白兔兒真乖真乖 Na...大野狼他很壞很壞 媽媽不在大門不開 感覺會有危險喔 非常的危險喔

By2 - 我不想Know
曾經撫慰的擁抱 現在換誰聆聽你心跳 嘴在逞強 淚在投降 忘也忘不掉 傻傻等待 哪怕被你冷落很悲哀 難道提分手 你才明白 當愛變成謊言 我還能相信些什麼 我不想 Know Know Know 愛在不在 過去不 再 再 再 回到原來 閉上眼睛卻還能看見你

By2 - 紅蜻蜓
飛呀飛呀 看那紅色蜻蜓飛在藍色天空 遊戲在風中不斷追逐他的夢 天空是永恆的家 大地就是他的王國 飛翔是生活 我們的童年像追逐成長吹來的風 輕輕地吹著夢想慢慢升空 紅色的蜻蜓我小時侯的小小英雄 多希望有一天能和它一起飛 當煩惱愈來愈多 玻璃彈珠愈來愈少

By2 - 鬧鬧Now
Oh Everybody Shout Everybody Scream 哦 跟我一起跳躍 玩樂到天明 誰沒有問題 誰有大秘密 誰都別想 逃跑 跟著我一起 鬧鬧Now喔 Now喔 喔 別讓時光像個小偷溜掉 關掉煩惱給我音樂Right Now 青春不要太多休止符號 節奏能夠接的越緊越好 回憶就像水果酸甜味道

By2 - 觸動心 觸動愛
左看 右盼 完全失去了方向感 忐忑 不安 有種莫名孤單 當你的呼吸越來越靠近我心都變混亂 是天使貪玩 為我的愛在加班 愛像 鞦韆 迴轉在你和我之間 偶爾 聊天 空氣都變得很甜 我相信只要和你在一起世界都變夢幻 現在 把自信全都加滿 觸動心 觸動愛 開始 蹦蹦跳跳 吵吵鬧鬧

By2 - 沒理由
BY gettin' you crazy!... 從前從前就有 文藝復興 戀愛是否變成 最早的文明 朱麗葉的故事 流傳至今 都什麼年代了 還耍啥正經 敢不敢壞壞壞 Give it a try try try 你身體的語言在暗示什麼 節奏變快快快 別停下來來來

By2 - 不哭了
聽著聽著又哭了 朋友口中聽說你和她的 窗外天空失眠了 星星還孤單的閃著 原來我最執著的 其實你從來都不在乎的 放開手天突然亮了 不哭了,不哭了 現在我一個人不哭了 看著你最愛看的電影哼著你的歌 不苦了,不苦了 何必為不值得而哭了 謝謝你,讓我明白失去你

By2 - 傻呆呆
唉喲那個豬頭 褲子穿到胸口 到舞池跳舞 動作只有扭屁股 他說話很害羞 著急就會發抖 糊里糊塗 他的天賦 就是很土 用的招數 超級復古 我怎麼可能輕易的 被他迷住 傻呆呆 就喜歡你的這副模樣 傻呆呆 保證你永遠不會學壞 傻呆呆 我說喜歡你卻一直在狀況外 在狀況外

By2 - 雙面妲己
So hot hot , So hot hot 甲骨占卜未來 萬變的魂魄 封神主導黑白 來跨越傳說 琵琶遮面是暗器 太矜持 心突然在變異 被偷襲 在不停 不停刁難 怪自己 被施咒語的身體 快扯開 束縛嫵媚腰帶 的花系 垂釣你的好奇心 你 怎麼 墮落 變惡魔 罪過


BY2 consists of Singaporean twin sisters Miko (孫涵) and Yumi Bai (孫雨) who were born in Yio Chu Kang, Singapore on March 23, 1992— Miko is the eldest of the two while Yumi is the youngest. They are among the most internationally recognized Singaporean acts alongside the likes of JJ Lin and Stefanie Sun.

The twins had a passion for dance and music at a very young age, as they learned violin, piano, ballet, and many other styles of dancing such as Chinese traditional folk and ballet. As they grew older, they learned more modern forms of dance such as hip hop and street dance; their father was a driving force in nurturing the twins' career in music. However, he would pass away in 2007 before witnessing his daughters' debut and rise to stardom.

In 2007, they moved to Taiwan and joined Ocean Butterflies' Music Forest’s V Singer (“非常歌手”) training course at the age of 13 where they graduated with a “Best Costume Design” award and were granted a 10-year contract after being noticed by Billy Koh of Ocean Butterflies Music. Miko and Yumi were later sent to various countries in order to train and hone in their vocals and dancing skills.

Finally, in 2008, the sisters debuted their first album on July 25, with the studio album 16未成年 (NC 16) at the age of 16. The album peaked at number six on Taiwan’s G-Music chart from the 14th to the 25th.

In 2019, the girls announced that they had parted ways from Ocean Butterflies Music as their 10-year contract had ended. They established their own label By2 Studio. After the departure, the girls joined the Chinese singer’s program 明日之子 (The Coming One) in the “restart” category, auditioning with their very own track “DNA”, hoping to make a comeback in the Chinese music industry as their music career had been overshadowed by a variety of rumors from cosmetic surgery to dating (and cheating) rumors. When asked about why they had joined the show during their audition, Miko sated,

We’ve been waiting for this opportunity for three, four years now. Prior to this, it was the lowest period of our lives. I would say that… We’re facing a huge challenge in life now. [It feels] like the people that we loved and trusted had betrayed us, both in work and in love. It’s like we’re being abandoned. It’s actually really sad. We’ve always been here. It’s just that we couldn’t say or do anything.

The girls ended up ranking 3rd on the program and received a lot of praise from netizens, and later would release new music, such as 2020’s “異地戀人預告 (Long Distance Lovers)” and the COVID-19-inspired track “等你回家 (Wait For You to Come Home)”.

On top of music, the girls have also shown that they have been passionate about fashion, as they opened the fashion line DOUBLE TROUBLE in 2015 and Girl Gang Asia in 2017. The sisters also started an official YouTube Channel. Despite being highly active in Taiwan and East Asia, the sisters are now based in Los Angeles, California.