By2 - Because of You

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I'm gonna be fine
You left me alone
Can I heal the wounds myself?

So what can I do?
And why did you come
To make my heart beat for you?

Don't, don't lose my mind
Dream of you again
And I look to you as it fell
I want to make a wish in the well
Hold me tight show your love

Every time I trade my soul because of you
If you wanna be in my way 'cause of me
The stars were shining to me away
Whispering, "I want to know you're my world"

Every time I'm crazy it's because of you
If you're looking right at me because of love
To me, it's a pretty wonderland
Do not make me make me cry again
I need you right now

I'm gonna be fine
You left me alone
Can I heal the wounds myself?

So what can I do?
And why did you come
To make my heart beat for you

Don't, don't lose my mind
Dream of you again
And I look to you as it fell
I want to make a wish in the well
Hold me tight show your love

Every time I trade my soul because of you
If you wanna be in my way 'cause of me
The stars were shining to me away
Whispering, "I want to know you're my world"

Every time I'm crazy it's because of you
If you're looking right at me because of love
To me, it's a pretty wonderland
Do not make me make me cry again
I need you right now

Hey boy, do not be shy
Why not we have a try?
Stay next to me
Push the bad memories aside
Put me in the palm of you
All my life time I'll be thinking of you

Every time I trade my soul because of you
If you wanna be in my way 'cause of me
The stars were shining to me away
Whispering, "I want to know you're my world"

Every time I'm crazy it's because of you
If you're looking right at me because of love
To me, it's a pretty wonderland
Do not make me make me cry again
I need you right now


More By2 lyrics

BY2 - 一縷青烟

By2 - 溫柔最痛
你 吻我的頭 邊擁抱 邊殘忍著 說不能愛了 但你會 想念我 你 胸是暖的 怎麼 心會冷了 我應該調頭 手卻賴在你口袋不走 勉強寬容的溫柔最痛 因為殘留的舊愛還太濃 要自己別回頭 往陽光走 心卻反鎖在閣樓 努力寬容的溫柔最痛

By2 - 當時的我們
當時我們 喜歡緊貼在身旁 沒有懷疑 沒有秘密 好事壞事互相分享 當時我們 眼裡只容得下對方 因為太在乎的爭吵 一個擁抱 就能笑著遺忘 當時沒有人會知道 未來是什麼模樣 說好愛到老 怎麼只剩下最後一個天亮 當時我們 以為青春很長 讓倔強決定 我們的散場 賭氣得像個傻瓜

By2 - Stereo
BY2 gettin' you crazy!... Listen to your body, what do you hear? Isn’t it desire inviting me near? Listen to my body, what does that say? I can turn it higher that is if

By2 - 愛情來找碴
愛與不愛 別說的太快 這謎題 你能否解開 站在你面前那個女孩 誰才是唯一真愛 張大眼睛去猜 別忘著我只會發呆 難道你 還看不出來 敲門請問默契在不在 動動你木頭腦袋 倒數五四三 我在等待~~ 愛情故事裡面 魔鬼是細節 通不過這考驗 小心愛情會熄滅 請你別傻傻的 搞錯玻璃鞋

By2 - 不夠成熟
我想我還是不夠成熟 還達不到 你的要求 我真的沒有想的太多 只是懷念 你走以後 離開 難道真的是解脫 難道 真的要事過境遷了以後才懂 倔強說不痛 假裝什麼傷都沒有 倔強抬起頭 決不讓眼淚往下流 倔強說不痛 假裝什麼傷都沒有 真的不難過 笑著和你揮揮手

By2 - 我知道 Remix Version
从来没想过 不能再和你牵手 委屈时候 没有你陪着我心痛 一切都是我太过骄纵 以为你会懂 一直忘了说 我有多感动 我知道你还是爱着我 虽然分开的理由 我们都以接受 你知道我会有多难过 所以即使到最后 还微笑着要我加油

By2 - 愛情闖進門
窗外的阳光对我说早安 今天的我要比昨天更勇敢 跌跌撞撞 什么时候才能 不再伪装 向左或向右 就爱唱反调 心里却那么在意你的想法 扭扭捏捏的我们 能不能就这样互相依靠 就喜欢跟你胡闹 就喜欢默契刚好 感觉爱情闯进门乱了心跳 难过时候 还有你

By2 - 你並不懂我
原來不愛說 以為你懂得 每次說著說著都是我哭了 我擦乾眼淚 慢慢習慣沉默 朋友聊起我就說一些別的 你總是哄我 說永遠不分手 可是我 還不確定會停留 終於我看透  沒退路的角落 不閃躲 你並不愛我 怎麼會懂我 你從來就不曾 在乎我的感受 沒兌現過承諾 傻瓜才當溫柔

By2 - 早安男孩
早安男孩 睡得好嗎 我等待 你睡醒第一秒見到我 蕾絲純白 打蝴蝶結美麗的夢 你的天空剛-剛-剛發亮 我就該-該-該說晚安 想要約會 你離我遠遠 沒有你時間龜速慢慢前進 oh 電話漫遊天天視訊多想擁抱你 我甚至懷疑 我懷疑 你週末哪裡去


BY2 consists of Singaporean twin sisters Miko (孫涵) and Yumi Bai (孫雨) who were born in Yio Chu Kang, Singapore on March 23, 1992— Miko is the eldest of the two while Yumi is the youngest. They are among the most internationally recognized Singaporean acts alongside the likes of JJ Lin and Stefanie Sun.

The twins had a passion for dance and music at a very young age, as they learned violin, piano, ballet, and many other styles of dancing such as Chinese traditional folk and ballet. As they grew older, they learned more modern forms of dance such as hip hop and street dance; their father was a driving force in nurturing the twins' career in music. However, he would pass away in 2007 before witnessing his daughters' debut and rise to stardom.

In 2007, they moved to Taiwan and joined Ocean Butterflies' Music Forest’s V Singer (“非常歌手”) training course at the age of 13 where they graduated with a “Best Costume Design” award and were granted a 10-year contract after being noticed by Billy Koh of Ocean Butterflies Music. Miko and Yumi were later sent to various countries in order to train and hone in their vocals and dancing skills.

Finally, in 2008, the sisters debuted their first album on July 25, with the studio album 16未成年 (NC 16) at the age of 16. The album peaked at number six on Taiwan’s G-Music chart from the 14th to the 25th.

In 2019, the girls announced that they had parted ways from Ocean Butterflies Music as their 10-year contract had ended. They established their own label By2 Studio. After the departure, the girls joined the Chinese singer’s program 明日之子 (The Coming One) in the “restart” category, auditioning with their very own track “DNA”, hoping to make a comeback in the Chinese music industry as their music career had been overshadowed by a variety of rumors from cosmetic surgery to dating (and cheating) rumors. When asked about why they had joined the show during their audition, Miko sated,

We’ve been waiting for this opportunity for three, four years now. Prior to this, it was the lowest period of our lives. I would say that… We’re facing a huge challenge in life now. [It feels] like the people that we loved and trusted had betrayed us, both in work and in love. It’s like we’re being abandoned. It’s actually really sad. We’ve always been here. It’s just that we couldn’t say or do anything.

The girls ended up ranking 3rd on the program and received a lot of praise from netizens, and later would release new music, such as 2020’s “異地戀人預告 (Long Distance Lovers)” and the COVID-19-inspired track “等你回家 (Wait For You to Come Home)”.

On top of music, the girls have also shown that they have been passionate about fashion, as they opened the fashion line DOUBLE TROUBLE in 2015 and Girl Gang Asia in 2017. The sisters also started an official YouTube Channel. Despite being highly active in Taiwan and East Asia, the sisters are now based in Los Angeles, California.