K-Boyd - Down the Road

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I'm just, you know
Walking down the road
By myself
I don't need a ride or anything
It's just...
I need to do this to clear my mind

(verse 1)

I'm that type of person to walk nowhere
That i don't care to be alone as y'all are aware
I mean to be fair, i'm just doing this to get away from blare-
Noises like i swear to god, i do not want to tear
Myself down like a grizzly bear
'cause i wanna fuckin' repair myself
From any unaware harm
As i would live at a farm
But then i wouldn't arm myself
As i need to disarm before i put the firearm at my head
'cause i don't want to be dead yet
As i fled away from speds just to meditate ahead
'cause instead, i want to get ahead of life
As i wouldn't fight for a crime
That i will arise this year in 2024 as i define
As i took my own advise and said


I'm walking down the road
As i'm on a bad episode
That i need to go on a flowed mode
As a calm down code for me as i showed
Myself to never be a load of bad person at a lowed
Point for me to explode emotionally
But i'm still walking down the road
To decrease a major depressive episode

(verse 2)

I'm just not lookin' for a ride
As i've sometimes cried for bein' lied to
As i've wanted to hide
From anyone who has a blindside
But anyways, i want to put that aside
And meditate as i don't date
'cause i can't take the bait
As i'll get the worst hate
But fuck that, it ain't my fate
As if it was a blind date
Even though i'm straight-
Up great enough for myself as i ain't tate
'cause i ain't late as i'm early
'cause i've rarely talked to anyone surely
As i've made my last album very poorly
'cause i barely wrote rhymes
As it was a crime
To rap as i didn't take my time
To write songs as it was a lime
To the eyes at anyone anytime
Like during lunchtime and at nighttime 'cause

I'm walking down the road
As i'm on a bad episode
That i need to go on a flowed mode
As a calm down code for me as i showed
Myself to never be a load of bad person at a lowed
Point for me to explode emotionally
But i'm still walking down the road
To decrease a major depressive episode


I'm still walking down the road
I won't need a ride
I will go where i need to go
Probably just walk to where i can stay calm
But i won't go to a friend's house
Just probably home after i'm calm
Yo, let's go


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