Май Искариот - Freaks

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You like to watch cartoons
Mouse… Mikky…
You enjoying all characters
You enjoying the freaks

Vessels in ocean waves
For Russians means decay
You enjoying rings in your nostril
And losing all mind in trips, but why?

They all loosed in the moon
And they are hunters, mirrors of moon blinking
Your passion is their death charm
You enjoying the freaks you enjoying the freaks

They all loosed in the moon
And they are hunters, mirrors of moon blinking
Your passion is be yourself
You enjoying the freaks you enjoying the freaks

Free mеans wrestling elite
Ex is surrеndering
With they bleeding nose
They talking without voice

Sailboats that so afar
In Russian means they alone
Your passion is fighting for them
You are drinking till loosing control
Under the snowy glass
I can feel your aluminium lips
You lifts all yours anchors
And go away from me

They all loosed in the moon
And they are hunters, mirrors of moon blinking
Your passion is in they moves
You enjoying the freaks you enjoying the freaks

Under the snowy glass
I can feel your aluminium lips
You lifts all yours anchors
And go away from me

They all loosed in the moon
And they are hunters, mirrors of moon blinking
Your passion is in they moves
You enjoying the freaks you enjoying the freaks

Song Description:

Май Искариот's song "Freaks" is a mesmerizing blend of dark lyrics and haunting melodies. The song speaks of a fascination with the strange and unusual, with references to characters like Mickey Mouse and a portrayal of those who are considered outcasts or freaks.

The lyrics paint a picture of a world where being different is celebrated, where individuals who don't fit the societal norms are seen as intriguing and captivating. The imagery of vessels in ocean waves and sailboats in the distance adds to the sense of isolation and longing for something more.

There is a sense of rebellion and defiance in the song, with references to wrestling and fighting for what you believe in. The repeated mentions of being lost in the moon and hunters in the night create a sense of mystery and intrigue.

Overall, "Freaks" is a song that celebrates individuality and the beauty of being different. It invites the listener to embrace their uniqueness and take pride in being a part of the freaks. With its haunting melodies and dark lyrics, the song is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who listens.


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Май Искариот