Sir Broox - Plan B

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I need a plan b or c even need a plan e
My future is bright but i got make sure my family’s future is also well guaranteed

I have the power to make my life count
I set the path and take my route
I don’t care about the past it can even shout,my future is bright and the past won’t make me doubt

Focus on something i call it dedication
My nigga can’t see it and calls it manipulation
The hate has always been my motivation
So dedicated it shouldn’t be called dedication
This is my end call it revelation
Chapter 3 verse 10 of temptation (kjv)
Give the snakes awards m&m you nomination
Can’t beguile me i see though the explanation

I got to live my life like a documentary
I got to change myself and do it mentally
I got to calm down and control the anger
She holds me in place like a ship anchor
Missed the days where i believed in santa
Now i’m in a liquor store and i’m holding savanna

Shit how times change

My heart says i should be one of the richest
But deep down the money turns niggas to bitches
Sending other niggas to solve your beef
I gave her heart back cause i ain’t no thief
Does she love me idk i can’t tell
If she doesn’t i should go to hell
Cause i didn’t make her heart ring like a bell
I need a plan b or c even need a plan e
My future is bright but i got make sure my family’s future is also well guaranteed

I need a plan b
I need a plan b

Song Description:

"Plan B" by Sir Broox is a introspective and contemplative song that delves into the artist's thoughts and struggles with planning for the future. The lyrics touch on themes of dedication, motivation, and the importance of ensuring a secure future for oneself and one's family. Sir Broox reflects on the changes in his life and the challenges he faces, while also expressing a desire for personal growth and self-improvement. The song carries a sense of urgency and determination, with a raw and honest delivery that resonates with listeners. Overall, "Plan B" is a powerful and thought-provoking track that showcases Sir Broox's lyrical skill and emotional depth.


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Sir Broox - Plan B
I need a plan b or c even need a plan e My future is bright but i got make sure my family’s future is also well guaranteed I have the power to make my life count I set the path

Sir Broox