Codeincxrpse - Let's Be Together

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Im not gonna sober
Im not gonna sober
Im not gonna sober
Im not gonna sober
Yeah, yeah

Im not gonna sober
From love that you gave me
I'll save it forever
Just let's be together
Just let's be together
Just let's be together
Don't say no now
Im not gonna sober
From love that you gave me
I'll save it forever
Just let's be together
Just let's be together
Just let's bе together
Don't say no now

Im forgotten for agеs
Please come and save me
Im so far gone
My heart's still beating
Thanks to you
Just only you
Im not gonna sober
From love that you gave me
I'll save it forever
Just let's be together
Just let's be together
Just let's be together
Don't say no now
Im not gonna sober
From love that you gave me
I'll save it forever
Just let's be together
Just let's be together
Just let's be together
Don't say no now

Song Description:

"Let's Be Together" by Codeincxrpse is a heartfelt song that expresses a deep desire to stay connected with a loved one. The lyrics convey a sense of longing and gratitude for the love that has been given, with a plea to remain together despite any obstacles. The chorus repeats the sentiment of not wanting to let go of the love received, wanting to hold onto it forever. The verses speak of feeling lost and forgotten, but finding solace in the presence of the person who has brought light into the singer's life. Overall, the song is a plea for unity and a declaration of enduring love.


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