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No, No, Nanette Ensemble - Finaletto Act II Lyrics | LYRNOW.COM Lyrics

No, No, Nanette Ensemble - Finaletto Act II

To Rate
What a peach of a girl
She is charming
She is sweet, she is swank
She is swell
You can bet Nanette
Was the pride and pet
Of the Marlborough-Blenheim Hotel

SUE, spoken
Nanette, what are you doing here?

NANETTE, spoken
Well, you see, I spent the night in Trenton with my grandmother.

SUE, spoken
She lives in Omaha

NANETTE, spoken
No, the other one

SUE, spoken
She lives in Omaha

NANETTE, spoken
She went to her great reward ten years ago
SUE, spoken
Well, uh, I, uh-
Oh, it's no use, I have to tell the truth. I spent the night in Atlantic City.

NANETTE, spoken
Oh, no, Nanette.

No, No, Nanette
You told a lie

Tom, spoken
How could you?

PAULINE, spoken
But I acted as her chaperone.

SUE, spoken
Pauline, pack Nanette's bags and take her back to New York on the next train.

NANNETTE, spoken
No, no.

SUE, spoken
Yes, yes, Nanette
Yes, yes, Nanette
And now goodbye

SUE, spoken

Lucille, spoken

SUE, spoken
You're my best friend.

LUCILLE, spoken
And you're mine.

SUE, spoken
There's something I must tell you. Why should you get an anonymous letter or overhear it in a powder room?

LUCILLE, spoken
What is it?

SUE, spoken
Well, your husband has been philandering with those three lovely girls, especially the big one.

TOM, spoken
That's a lie!
BILLY, spoken
Shh! There's ten thousand in it.

TOM, spoken
Well, I mean that's not a lie.

LUCILLE, spoken

TOM, spoken

LUCILLE, spoken
Get my bags. I'm going to stay at the Hotel Traymore.

TOM, spoken

LUCILLE, spoken
And as for you, Billy:

You can dance with any girl at all
Just forget me
And act as though
You never met me

BILLY, spoken
Lucille, do you really think I'd:

Show those ladies every step I know?
Just raise Hades till they tingle
Or mingle till they think I'm single?

NANETTE, spoken

TOM, spoken
Hands off me, woman.

NANETTE, spoken
He called me "woman"!

TOM, spoken
And only yesterday:

I confessed to the breeze
"I loved you"
Told the birds and the bees
Your name

LUCILLE, spoken
Come, Tom.

PAULINE, spoken
Come, N. Back to little old New York.

SUE, spoken

JIMMY, spoken
Oh, there you are. I've been looking high and low for you.

SUE, spoken
Have you any idea what's been going around here?

JIMMY, spoken
None, dearest. All I can tell you is:

I want to be happy

But he can't be happy

Till we are all happy too


More No, No, Nanette Ensemble lyrics

No, No, Nanette Ensemble - Finaletto Act II
{BOYS & GIRLS} What a peach of a girl She is charming She is sweet, she is swank She is swell You can bet Nanette Was the pride and pet Of the

No, No, Nanette Ensemble