Charles Tomlinson Griffes - An den Wind

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Ich wandre fort ins ferne Land
Noch einmal blickt' ich um, bewegt
Und sah, wie sie den Mund geregt
Und wie gewinket ihre Hand

Wohl rief sie noch ein freundlich Wort
Mir nach auf meinen trüben Gang
Doch hört’ ich nicht den liebsten Klang
Weil ihn der Wind getragen fort

Daß ich mein Glück verlassen muß
Du rauher, kalter Windeshauch
Ist's nicht genug, daß du mir auch
Entreißest ihren letzten Gruß?


More Charles Tomlinson Griffes lyrics

Charles Tomlinson Griffes - Symphony in Yellow
An omnibus across the bridge Crawls like a yellow butterfly And, here and there, a passer-by Shows like a restless little midge Big barges full of yellow hay Are moved

Charles Tomlinson Griffes - Les Ballons
Against these turbid turquoise skies The light and luminous balloons Dip and drift like satin moons Drift like silken butterflies; Reel with every windy gust Rise and

Charles Tomlinson Griffes - Le jardin
The lily's withered chalice falls Around its rod of dusty gold And from the beech-trees on the wold The last wood-pigeon coos and calls The gaudy leonine sunflower

Charles Tomlinson Griffes - Impression du matin
The Thames nocturne of blue and gold Changed to a Harmony in grey: A barge with ochre-coloured hay Dropt from the wharf: and chill and cold The yellow fog came creeping

Charles Tomlinson Griffes - La mer
A white mist drifts across the shrouds A wild moon in this wintry sky Gleams like an angry lion's eye Out of a mane of tawny clouds The muffled steersman at the wheel

Charles Tomlinson Griffes - Le réveillon
The sky is laced with fitful red The circling mists and shadows flee The dawn is rising from the sea Like a white lady from her bed And jagged brazen arrows fall

Charles Tomlinson Griffes - La fuite de la lune
To outer senses there is peace A dreamy peace on either hand Deep silence in the shadowy land Deep silence where the shadows cease Save for a cry that echoes shrill

Charles Tomlinson Griffes - We'll to the woods and gather May
We'll to the woods, and gather May Fresh from the footprints of the rain; We'll to the woods at ev'ry vein To drink the spirit of the day The winds of spring are

Charles Tomlinson Griffes - An den Wind
Ich wandre fort ins ferne Land Noch einmal blickt' ich um, bewegt Und sah, wie sie den Mund geregt Und wie gewinket ihre Hand Wohl rief sie noch ein freundlich Wort

Charles Tomlinson Griffes - So halt' ich endlich dich umfangen
So halt' ich endlich dich umfangen In süßes Schweigen starb das Wort Und meine trunknen Lippen hangen An deinen Lippen fort und fort! Was nur das Glück vermag zu

Charles Tomlinson Griffes

During a short career, Charles Tomlinson Griffes (1884-1920) composed some astonishing music for piano and chamber ensembles that integrated Impressionism and other progressive trends of the time into an idiosyncratic personal style. He died in the influenza epidemic that swept America in the late 1910s and early ‘20s.