Frederick Delius - A Song of the Setting Sun!

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A song of the setting sun!
The sky in the west is red
And the day is all but done:
While yonder up overhead
All too soon
There rises, so cold, the cynic moon

A song of a winter day!
The wind of the north doth blow
From a sky that's chill and gray
On fields where no crops now grow
Fields long shorn
Of bearded barley and golden corn

A song of a faded flower!
’Twas plucked in the tender bud
And fair and fresh for an hour
In a lady's hair it stood
Now, ah! now
Faded it lies in the dust and low


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Frederick Delius

Frederick Delius (1862-1934) came from a merchant family in England. His musical career began in 1884, when his family sent him to Florida to manage an orange plantation. Instead, he took inspiration from the African-American music he heard and embarked on a career that saw him spend most of his life in France. His music frequently takes on pastoral subjects, influenced by the techniques of Wagner, Grieg, and Debussy.