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Phoon D Goon - Can I Be Yours Lyrics | LYRNOW.COM Lyrics

Phoon D Goon - Can I Be Yours

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Verse 1:
Watch out I’m gonna fcking shoot you down
All these fcking aliens
You can come yeah
All these fcking celestial beings
You can fly to me
I won’t run
You know I’m gonna fcking shoot you down with gundams
And use your fcking ufo fire to light the fcking smoke
And juice your tits
You can enjoy the now
You can always enjoy more of the now
That’s why I don’t trip about this shit
You know how it sounds
The now is endless bitch
To fcking explore sometimes
Idk wtf is this shit
They say it’s a crime

Life’s long as shit
Chill out bro
I’m tryna fcking take this shit
Tryna take a smoke
I’m not saying rules are bad
But sometimes rules are not fcking еfficient
And interferе
With quality of life
You see this shit
Better results you need some better rules
Verse 2:
You see
Fcking take it
This is your food
The old me was a beast
Now the new me is even more fierce
You see this shit
I’m calm
Cannot take me
You can just hit my bong
Yeah get this shit
You don’t gotta replace this shit
Sometimes you just need to upgrade it
Keep pushing the limit of what’s already best for you
Get it every day
The more time you spend regretting
The more time you waste not living the best
Fcking live right now
No need to fcking regret no shit
Fcking live the best shit that you ever wish

Verse 3:
Get it
We already have what we think it’s the best
Whatever it is
Maybe there’s even better
Do you wanna take a hit?
That’s a whenever
There’s your shit
That’s the better question
Am i yeah
Am I smoking too much?
Idk it’s like I’m asking am I breathing too much?
No sir you’re not
If anything it’s not enough
You see this shit
Go on smoke till you get fcked
Get it
Fcking burn it up
As you wish brother and sister
You know best
Let your body adapt and adjust as much as it needs
Yeah get this shit you just feast
Get it
Go on
Thrive bitch
There’s no best way to fcking live
This is the best way for you
And it can differ from one another you see
You decide what’s best for you to live is
I am
To be the greatest since my birth and even before i was born and formed
You see this shit you get it?
Get used to it
Leave some room for some fun
You know this shit
Be your best friend too
If god doesn’t make it work
You know I’ll fcking make it work um
Allow yourself to feel good
Wtf is this shit
Am not from the hood?
This wide ass sky is no longer your limit
Burn this shit
Fcking fuel up as you flap ur wings
Fly thru the sky
Get this shit
God is the unknown bitch
You see this shit
You don’t gotta fcking sow no shit
No more
Get home
Get it
We have to fcking vibe alone
Till you make it home
All alone
No one will bother
Killing a stupid ass mf
So you just keep busting your goals
Get this shit
Just make sure you don’t harm no one
But if anything add to their lives
I don’t gotta talk to nobody
And i feel fcking awesome
You see this shit
All fine
I take that shit both bitch
I don’t fcking give one shit
I don’t wait for no one to thank me
I fcking thank myself
That’s fcking self-love bitch
It ain’t that bad
To get to my goal
I have to not care about shit
You see it
I don’t wanna fcking ask you about anything
Your past
Just love you
Can I~
Be yours
My Queen


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Phoon D Goon