Roxanna Panufnik - The Letter

To Rate
With B.E.F. June 10. Dear Wile
(O blast this pencil. 'Ere, Bill, lend's a knife.)
I'm in the pink at present, dear
Think the war will end this year
We don't see much of them square-'eaded 'Uns
We're out of harm's way, not bad led
I'm longing for a taste of your old buns
(Say, Jimmie, spare's a bite of bread.)
There don't seem much to say just now
(Yer what? Then don't, yer ruddy cow!
And give us back me cigarette!)
I'll soon be 'ome. You mustn't fret
My feet's improvin', as I told you of
We're out in rest now. Never fear
(VRACH! By crumbs, but that was near.)
Mother might spare you half a sov
Kiss Nell and Bert. When me and you-
(Eh? What the hell! Stand to Stand to!
Jim, give's a hand with pack on, lad
Guh! Christ! I'm hit. Take 'old. Aye, bad
No damn your lodine. Jim? 'Ere!
Write my old girl, Jim, there's a dear.)


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Roxanna Panufnik