Roger Quilter - To Althea, from Prison

To Rate
When Love with unconfined wings
Hovers within my Gates;
And my divine Althea brings
To whisper at the Grates:
When I lye tangled in her haire
And fetterd to her eye;
The Gods, that wanton in the Aire
Know no such Liberty

When flowing Cups run swiftly round
With no allaying Thames
Our carelesse heads with Roses bound
Our hearts with Loyall Flames;
When thirsty griefe in Wine we steepe
When Healths and draughts go free
Fishes that tipple in the Deepe
Know no such Libertie

When (like committed Linnets) I
With shriller throat shall sing
The sweetnes, Mercy, Majesty
And glories of my KING;
When I shall voyce aloud, how Good
He is, how Great should be;
Enlargèd Winds that curle the Flood
Know no such Liberty

Stone Walls doe not a Prison make
Nor I'ron bars a Cage;
Mindes innocent and quiet take
That for an Hermitage;
If I have freedome in my Love
And in my soule am free;
Angels alone that sore above
Injoy such Liberty


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Roger Quilter