Ther - April on Paris

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Some days there is a reason to get up and go to sleep
Others are much harder when the bottom feels so deep
And some will give you thinkings you will never understand
But i know that i'll be somehow fine
As long as you're my friend

When winter comes a creeping there are reasons to feel joy
You can wrap around a pillow like a child's favorite toy
The heat will be much cheaper if we sleep in the same bed
And I feel far less like dying every time you kiss my head

Who's in love

When you were only four months old yo tumbled down the stairs
You were driven to the doctor, I had never felt so scared
You had just broken you're clavicle because your bones were soft
Had you landed at a different angle, I would feel so lost

I wonder if our father is still weighted down with guilt
From the failure of a baby gate he didn't even build
He briefly turned his back so he could flip the bedroom light
But you were bound for exploration and the dream of taking flight

Who's your bud
You are my bud

We dancing to count basie in my parents' living room
I can feel your arms around my neck and clearly hear the tune
It was haunted, it was heavy, it was blowing in the breeze
It was signing of a season in a place I'll never see


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