All John Coolidge Adams Lyrics

John Coolidge Adams - Act I, Scene 1: Soldiers of heaven hold the sky |
Soldiers of heaven hold the sky The morning breaks and shadows fly Follow the orders of the poor Your master is the laborer Who rules the world with truth and grace

John Coolidge Adams - Day Chorus |
Is not the day made to disperse their grief? Is not the day made to disperse their grief? Light covers the mourners as dirt covers the dead And brings them to themselves They have

John Coolidge Adams - Desert Chorus |
Is not their desert the garden of the Lord? Is not their desert the garden of the Lord? Rain falls on the earth where no man is to satisfy the desolate waste ground To raise a grass

John Coolidge Adams - Act III: "I Am Old and I Cannot Sleep" |
I am old and cannot sleep forever Like the young Nor hope that death, will be a novelty But endless, wakefulness When I put down my work and go to bed How much of what

John Coolidge Adams - I am the Wife of Mao Tse-tung |
I am the wife of Mao Tse-tung Who raised the weak above the strong When I appear the people hang When I appear the people They hang upon my words And for his sake Whose

John Coolidge Adams

John Coolidge Adams