All Weeder's Digest Lyrics

Weeder's Digest - Power |
I have Your name On my List Lights out Catchphrase You're my bitch Stretch his Fingers Just like this Can you understand what is Coming from

Weeder's Digest - Way Down |
Fall in Let it catch me Simple and unhurried In my plummet Loosing All the knots Inside my stomach I am fine To be untied Let the current Be my

Weeder's Digest - IRS |
Hum hum go the vox and the bass drone Sound hits and it shakes awake your dry bones 120bpm that's an overdrive Make the car swerve, doing 80 in a 25 Feel it spreading chest to

Weeder's Digest - Buzzard |
Sometimes i think It's been way too long since i got a good buzz You think i play too much Oh honey you should see the way that i was Tame me I dare you, i dare

Weeder's Digest - Mastodon |
Sucking on The teeth of The Mastodon; His woolly trunk is gamier meat Give chase un- Til he can No longer run; Leave the mighty with no time to breathe

Weeder's Digest

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