All Kalliopi Mitropoulou Lyrics

Kalliopi Mitropoulou - απεριόριστοι |
Κρυφά απ' τους άλλους εφηύρα ένα γράμμα Το 25ο κράμα Από αέρα άμμο και βροχή Που με ορμή ήρθε να μείνει Πλημμύρα ντοπαμίνη Που γεννάει τη λέξη Και χτυπάει στη

Kalliopi Mitropoulou - It's the water |
It's the water Falling in love, falling apart darling Falling in love, falling apart It's the city It's only you, it's only me baby It's only me, it's

Kalliopi Mitropoulou - Ghosted |
Ghosted, it's been two days now I’m sure Ghosted, never felt so insecure Toasted to our future and what knows Posted photos of your kids and dogs I always liked them

Kalliopi Mitropoulou

Kalliopi Mitropoulou
Kalliopi Mitropoulou is a composer, music producer, singer and violinist.
Member of Echo Tides.