All St. Bear’s Town’s Dolls Hospital Lyrics

St. Bear’s Town’s Dolls Hospital - Toyworld |
{Nurse Penny Cillin} Say, Girls and Boys Do your toys speak toy language to you Listen closely, We think that they do Speak Toy Language to You Oh yeah!

St. Bear’s Town’s Dolls Hospital - Things Get Better |
{Snorer} I see you wearing a frown Let’s turn that frown upside down into a smile How come you’re feeling so sad? I want to make you feel glad just for a while You

St. Bear’s Town’s Dolls Hospital - St. Bear’s Dolls Hospital Theme Song |
{Nurse Penny Cillin} If you need some stitches You need to mend your britches Your paw is sore, or what is more It tickles or it itches If you're a puppet whose

St. Bear’s Town’s Dolls Hospital - Teamwork |
{Miss Chamomile} If you want to be part of a really great team {Nurse Penny Cillin} You know you’ve got to join in and you’ll see what we mean

St. Bear’s Town’s Dolls Hospital - St. Bear’s Dolls Hospital |
{Miss Chamomile} If you need some stitches You need to mend your britches Your paw is sore, or what is more It tickles or it itches {Nurse Penny

St. Bear’s Town’s Dolls Hospital

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