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All Noah Britton Lyrics | LYRNOW.COM

All Noah Britton Lyrics

Noah Britton - You're Not Allowed To Die |
In a couple days you'll have your kid And I know he's gonna be the coolest Of course he'll be absolutely perfect How could I expect anything less Your c-section is

Noah Britton - Enchanted Witch |
You took my garbage And planted it You look like our kids Enchanted witch You can grow anything My car was broken Just springs and stuff Why are unspoken

Noah Britton - I'm Gonna Miss You |
What do I need To say to you Before I can't anymore I love you And thank you So much cuz I was born I never knew How hard it is Having kids

Noah Britton - True Love |
I went to a cosplay con To show off my homemade suit When I saw there was another Gon-Gon I fell right in love with you And we laid in bed And we watched Star Trek

Noah Britton - "Here Lies Rockin' Bob" |
People don't you know I'm gonna kill myself tomorrow? People don't you know I'm gonna kill myself tomorrow? So I'll have to keep singing So tomorrow

Noah Britton - I Love You so Much |
I can't draw I can't paint I can't write I'll never be a saint But I can sing And I can say I love you so much I love you so much I love

Noah Britton

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