蔡徐坤 - Home

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original text at lyrnow.com/1988398
蔡徐坤 Home

We are not alone
We're going home
No pain will last forever
Let’s look at the stars
High in the sky
Believe that there's no limit

We are not alone
We're going home
No pain will last forever
Let’s look at the stars
High in the sky
Believe that there's no limit

We are not alone
We're going home
No pain will last forever
Let's look at the stars
High in the sky
Believe that there's no limit

We are not alone
We're going home
No pain will last forever
Let's look at the stars
High in the sky
Believe that there's no limit


La, la la la la, la la la la
La la la la la la la
La, la la la la, la la la la
La la la la la la la

Song Description:

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The song "Home" by Cai Xukun is a hopeful and uplifting track that reassures listeners that they are not alone and that they will eventually find their way back home. The chorus repeats the message that no pain is permanent and encourages listeners to look up at the stars, believing that there are no limits to what they can achieve. The verse speaks of the power of love and hope to overcome darkness and loneliness. The outro is a catchy and melodic refrain that leaves a lasting impression. Overall, "Home" is a comforting and empowering song that inspires resilience and positivity.


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