The Dali Thundering Concept - Nobody

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Faith is cheaper than change so I believe in the system
I'm just a nobody and yet I'm everyone

We're all addicts, are we born toxic or maybe raised round?
Doomed to be crushed in a cubic mold

Shovel it down shovel it down
Shovel shit down the bottomless pit we call a soul

Take a break take a breath
Take a moment to admire the land around drowning in newspeak, drapped in blur
It's a brave new world just moan it like in prayer Say thе same few words
Give mе more, I desire, give me more I'm bored
But soon the boots will rain down from the sky crushing every skull

Do I struggle once in a while?
Are some nights, sleepless and awry?
Is guilt eating me alive?
But most of the time I don't give a fuck

I'm just a nobody and yet I'm everyone

Our world is about to burn
And yet I'm gorging unconcerned
I'll be dead let the young deal with this shit storm
I'm too depressed, in denial, feed me until I choke
Leave me for dead, keep your guilt and your morals
Just shield me from blame
Why should we build a raft when the tide is rising
Are we drowning, I’m not drowning
I'm dreaming with panache, roll the dice quit whining
Less land makes the prices soar less is more
Less is more and more is always better
If your phone ain’t new toss it in the dumpster
If your clothes ain't cute just burn your fucking dresser
If your stones ain't huge buy yourself a hummer

I can't save the world from our gluttony
Corporate scheamers or childish workers
I don't give a
I can't save the world from our gluttony
Why should I care about a little slave labor if it makes our shit cheaper
I don't give a fuck
About childish fingers sawing pour sneakers
I don't give a fuck
I'm just a nobody and yet I'm everyone

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The Dali Thundering Concept - Nobody
Faith is cheaper than change so I believe in the system I'm just a nobody and yet I'm everyone We're all addicts, are we born toxic or maybe raised round? Doomed to