Achampnator - The Late Fred

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On Monday Fred came
Late again
The Teacher rolled clueless his eyes
Fred said: "My Dad
Drank schnapps tonight
And tottered on my Alarm by mistake."

"My Daddy had his birthday yesterday
There I can't take it offensive, right?"

On Tuesday Fred came
Late again
The Teacher rolled clueless his eyes
"I fell tonight from my loft bed."
Said Fred. "I just now woke up from my faint."

"My loft bed is 6 feet tall there
I could've broken my neck
Then I wouldn't be alive anymore
And everyone would mourn 'bout me
Well, that went well atleast."

On Wednesday Fred came
Late again
The Teacher rolled clueless his eyes
Fred said:" My Dog swallowed a pound
Snap peas so we were at the vet for
An hour."
"The Vet must've been operating pretty careful
So that the snap peas doesn't start
Otherwise our Doggy would have exploded -
That was pretty dangerous."

On Thursday Fred came
Late again
The Teacher rolled clueless his eyes
Fred sobbed:" My shirt
Got stuck in the elevator doors
'till somebody levered it up

I was stuck with my shirt in the elevator doors
For half an hour the craftsman had to be very careful
So they don't crack my rips
- with the slagdehammer

On Friday Fred came
Late again
The Teacher rolled clueless his eyes
"My retainer fell in the Toaster
During breakfast", said Fred, "and didn't want
To cool again!"

"It sparkled like crazy and flashed
In the toaster - but my Dad got the retainer out again
With his tongs and special gloves
And everybody helped to breathalyse otherwise
I won't be here now! Really!"
On Saturday Fred
Didn't get out of bed
Cause there was no school
That was quite nice
Of course he was awake
But was thinking (about)
What could happen on Monday
And the days after!

Maybe a shooting star is crashing through
Our roof - or - my Mom
Takes my backpack to the office instead
Of her briefcase - or - our washing machine
Floods the house and I got to drain the house
- or - our hamster got diarrhea
- or - mice have eaten my backpack
- or - pen case fell into the toilet
- or - I have to...."

Song Description:

Achampnator's "The Late Fred" is a humorous and playful song that tells the story of Fred, a student who always comes late to school with a new and outrageous excuse each day. From his dad drinking schnapps and tottering on his alarm clock to his dog swallowing snap peas and his shirt getting stuck in the elevator doors, Fred's excuses become more and more outlandish as the week goes on. The song captures the frustration of the teacher as Fred's excuses become increasingly ridiculous, but also highlights Fred's creativity and imagination. The catchy melody and upbeat tempo make "The Late Fred" a fun and entertaining song that will have listeners laughing along with Fred's wild excuses.


More Achampnator lyrics

Achampnator - I Want Fun
My maserati drives 130 Whoops the police didn't see it. that makes fun! I speed up, i speed up Want no savings, don't want responsiblity Just fill in the premium gasoline,

Achampnator - There is just Water
We got calm periods and die from it Cause we don't get forward for days The Sun's burning and we lose our minds Everything stinks like man The barrels are empty

Achampnator - upright German
Sascha who is unemployed What does he do without work? He cuts his hair short And pees on a jewish grave He likes Gypsy schnitzel But he got an anger on Sintis He likes

Achampnator - 1000 Good Reasons
High mountains, wide valleys Clear rivers, blue lakes Plus a few nature reserves Everything beautiful We love our Land Total fulfillment of duty Routine and

Achampnator - We Stand Up
Nannannanananananana Our Goal is unknown and all over this land Danger is lurking but we are strong What ever is gonna happen Wherever the road leads you're not

Achampnator - I Will Be There
It happened already so much But our trip needs to go on The way seems to be endless But the goal is clear The danger is lurking everywhere Don't be afraid I'm

Achampnator - Ten little Jägermeister
One little Jägermeister don't liked to be alone So he invited nine others over to the Christmas feast Ten little Jägermeister with time to smoke a joint One of them keeled

Achampnator - Fist Bump
Ich kann das nicht allein Auch wenn ich stark bin Es braucht mehr als mich Jemand der mich zum Sieg führt Mal sehen was wir tun können Zusammen, du und ich Hab keine

Achampnator - Verschwinde
Sie meinten:" Komm bloß nicht hierher Wir woll'n dein Face nicht seh'n. Du verschwindest besser." Das Feuer in deren Augen und deren Worte sind wirklich klar Also

Achampnator - Es ist egal
Nun, Ich prahl nicht, ich kritisiere nicht Ich lebe nach meinen eignen Gefühlen Und ich geb nicht nach, kein Kompromiss Ich habe ein standhaftes Herz aus Gold Ich weiß nicht


Achampnator was born in 1997
His first name is actually Aaron.
The name Achampnator was created from a mixture of the first name or first letter of the first name with the English word Champ and Nator as a kind of robot.
He mostly sings in English and only in small parts in German, Czech and Spanish